St louis, june 9-10
Sodality Congress 2024
Drawn into Communion (cf. Lumen Gentium, 7)
During this period of Eucharistic Revival, Holy Mother Church calls to be drawn into communion with Christ in the Eucharist. Our Church offers us the gift of the Eucharist - the Real Presence of our Lord entrusted to her two thousand years ago. The Church is inviting us to renew ourselves through a proclamation that our Lord Jesus Christ is truly present - Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity - in the Holy Eucharist. And through this proclamation, we will be inspired to enter a deeper union with Him, form ourselves in the richness of our faith, and live as witnesses of His transforming love.
As sodalities in the Marian tradition, we look to Our Lady as the example of a personal relationship with our Lord. She is the one that cared for our Lord, she taught Him, and she suffered with him at the Cross. As a result of the creative revival of the Sodality model, interest and growth has spread in the United States. Through the sodality model, we are reaching a greater number of Catholic youth and revealing to them the presence of our Lord in the Eucharist and the loyal witness of our Lady. The Sodality model continues to offer a community that fosters and protects us as we deepen our understanding of ourselves, our faith, our Lady, and our Lord.
Join us for the second Sodality Congress, which will once again be held on the weekend of the Jesuit ordinations of the UCS province. Let us continue to strengthen the bonds between the different sodalities and invigorate the sodalists in their living out of their spiritual commitments.
Highlight the invitation to Eucharistic revival.
Inspire sodalists to deepen their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Foster spiritual communion and collaboration between Sodalities.
Form sodalists in the Marian and Eucharistic dimensions of the Sodality.